Dutch Olympic comite apologises for Dog Meat Trade remarks of Dutch ice scater
"Representatives will be telling if they are asked to indicate that we are dealing differently with these pets in the Netherlands than the practice in Korea turns out to be." The NOC / NSF said this last December in a statement to Dogzine when we asked how it NOC / NSF deals with eating dogs in Korea.
It is strange that the NOC / NSF, the Dutch Olympic comite, is now, according to the Telegraaf, making apologies after skater Jan Blokhuijsen called out to "Treat dogs better in this country". Korea, along with China, is one of the countries where millions of dogs are bred to serve as a meal, and are often slaughtered cruelly. The call caused concern on (Korean) social media. On the other hand, Blokhuijsen received a lot of support from animal welfare organizations. And so the NOC / NSF rushed in to apologize. Blokhuijsen also apologized, and that is not well received by dog lovers. "No need to apologize. They may not eat Dutch cheese, right? Congratulations on your medals, enjoy it! And never apologize because you do not want something to eat. For whatever reason."
In Korea every year between 5 and 10 million dogs die, especially during "Boknal". After China, Korea is the largest dog-eating country in the world. It is true that less and less Korean dogs are used as food, especially among young people the tradition diminishes. In spite of this, the Korean government closed a market for dog meat during the duration of the Games. However, dog meat restaurants are within walking distance of the Olympic village and are certainly not closed.
Left or right, the NOC / NSF prefers to look the other way. So far we didn't yet hear about the Dutch treating their dogs differently. The backbone of chief-de-mission Jeroen Bijl turns out to be as bendable as jelly.